You can also change “-w 1366 -h 768” this according to your Monitor resolution or anything on which you are willing to play (as long as you can see it). dxlevel 81 –high +mat_antialias 0 -sw -noborder -w 1366 -h 768 -console -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemsp -mat_picmip 10 -nopix Click it and paste the commands given below Once there you will see a button of “Set Launch Options”.

Go to Left 4 Dead 2 in Steam Games Library and Right Click it to search for Properties. Now that the in-game settings have been made, we recommend you to set the launch options for the game which will force the steam to particular settings for the game which in turn will reduce Left 4 Dead 2 lag. You can also set your video settings to as the picture given below Set your in-game graphics settings as given below So once you are sure that your computer can handle Left 4 Dead 2 then now it’s time to set up some in game graphic settings for the game which will further reduce the amount of lag that you face in the game.

So check out the PC specs given below and see if your computer has what it take to play Left 4 Dead 2 lag free. Obviously, it won’t run the game the way you would want but we will below give you some recommendations that if followed will further enhance the gameplay of the game even on a low spec PC. To prevent this from happening we have gathered a list of things that are the bare minimum requirements to run Left 4 Dead 2. Similar is the case for Left 4 Dead 2 in which players face lag without them even knowing if their computer is capable of running the game.

The root of any lag is the computer not performing to its optimum level.

So for that particular reason, we at Kill Ping have decided and compiled some tweaks and workarounds for anyone who is facing Left 4 Dead 2 lag. Although Left 4 Dead 2 has been out for almost 7 years its lag has been something that didn’t receive any solution or a proper fix. Left 4 Dead 2 lag is being commonly reported by the game’s multiplayer community.